From 1994 to 1997 I worked in an artistic partnership called Mungo 200 with Ghanaian artist Amu Logotse to create and organise exhibitions and education and community performance events linking Scotland and Africa.
This work continued through The Bird Exchange, a project initiated and run by mean, which has for the last 12 years combined artistic exchanges and practical assistance between children in Scotland and Uganda. In October / November 2007 a visual arts exhibition was assembled for Edinburgh, then went to the CHOGM meeting in Uganda.
A community recording studio for ex street kids to record their own songs about their lives was set up in Kampala through a new project, The Music Exchange, and then a new phase of Global Citizenship exchange work between schools in Uganda and Scotland was developed under the title Bridge Builders.
Bridge Builders, created and funded by me and run by John Robert Ekapu, has carried on working with street kids, but back in Robert's home area of Soroti he has with my and Linda's support also worked to develop greatly the self-help work of the Echatutu women's group. Echatutu women suffered from the attacks of the Lord's Resistance Army, but banded together to support and help heal through handcraft skills. Now they have created various agricultural projects, including 'Lend A Cow'.